Lucky for any Keanu fans out there, the entire John Wick trilogy is available to stream online for free. You might even see it’s the better trilogy of the two. But its staying power speaks to a larger point: While The Matrix still claims its rightful place as one of the most important sci-fi movies of all time, the John Wick franchise has built up a surprising amount of staying power. The theory lost some traction when Covid-related delays forced a theatrical reshuffling that meant the two movies were no longer scheduled to release on the same weekend (a bizarre coincidence, fan conspiracies aside). It would be like the first time you saw the original Matrix or the first time you saw Inception, like holy shit this is amazing.” “There will be life before that and life after that. In May 2020, Impractical Jokers star James Murray even promoted this theory during an Instagram Live interview with Inverse. What if The Matrix 4 (now known as The Matrix Resurrections) and John Wick 4 were actually just one film?

What if two highly anticipated Keanu Reeves movies were actually one and the same? What if one of the biggest movie stars in Hollywood was about to pull a fast one on the entire world. EIn the spring of 2020, a bizarre theory began to circulate online.